As I am sure you will have heard by now that the North Devon Theatres Trust has gone into administration resulting in the closure of the Queen’s Theatre. We are not going to let this news result in six months of hard work from the committee, production team and the cast go to waste! Currently we are seeking an alternative venue and we would like to confirm that GANG SHOW WILL TAKE PLACE DURING FEBRUARY HALF TERM.

Thank you for all the wonderful support, kind comments and offers of help we have received in the last few days. A fantastic group of young people will get their moment, their opportunity to share their love and excitement for theatre, to show off their newly found confidence and show North Devon how valuable theatre and the performing arts can be in developing today’s young people into tomorrow’s inspiring adults. Their hard work, dedication and enthusiasm over the last six months will not be lost.

Thank you for your continued support #savendtheatres